
Washi Tape: The Craft Room And Beyond

Washi tape is a quick and affordable way to add bits of your own personal touch to nearly everything!

Consider adding washi tape to the edges of your pencil cup or tape dispenser to jazz up your office supplies. Put a thin strip of washi tape on the edge of note cards to separate subjects at a glance. You can even color code your life using washi tape. Many brands are fairly translucent and much cuter than highlighters! Chore charts or to-do lists with tasks that change daily would be a lot more cheerful with washi tape added as an organizational tool.

One of the great things about washi tape is that many brands are created to be stuck and unstuck easily, making it perfect for any temporary sticky needs. Use washi tape to tack down a stencil or as a guide to draw perfectly straight lines. Washi tape can also be used to cover the edges of a painting or drawing while in progress, as it can easily be removed later to reveal a clean edge.

Of course, washi tape should always be a staple in any crafty person’s arsenal. You could cover a plain tile with washi tape to make a cute coaster, or add some flair to a terracotta pot. Washi tape can be made into nearly every type of embellishment for a bullet journal, scrapbook, greeting card, planner, or other paper projects. You can easily make cute tags, flags, and tabs out of washi tape. Less conventional uses may include creating washi tape jewelry, covering lampshades, or adding pizzazz to presents.